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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Diagnostic Essay: Super Powers

Diagnostic Essay: Super Powers


I wish I had the ability to read a person's mind and know what they were thinking. When
you're involved in a personal relationship or friendship, whether it might be a family member,
co-worker, friend, or lover. Its difficult to distinguish who has you best interest at heart.
often times people hide behind politeness or political correctness, and never really say
what they're thinking. Its not socially accepted to utter the first thought that pops into your
head. People are sometimes unfairly given derogatory labels if they're constantly being
opinionated and judgmental. This holds true for both sexes, but especially so for females.

We as human beings sometimes use words to mask are true feelings. The expression,
'saying one thing but meaning another', effectively illustrates that point. People spend years
together in friendships or marriages and never truly get to know each other. And sometimes
when you discover the true essence of a person, you tend to look back in horror, because
you can't believe how easily you were deceived. Hypocrisy exists in almost every type
of relationship. Do as I say and not as I do seems to be the golden rule. Some people
critize your actions and behavior, but secretly wish they could be you. For example, two
friends could be getting ready for a night on the town. One of the friends could make a
snide remark about the others attire. The remark could be justified as a unbiased critique
of one's attire, but the real intent of the remark could stem from envy. A lot of
stress derives from the lack of communication in personal relationships. Knowing
where you stand in a relationship or friendship is half the battle, well actually its
most of the battle.

If I could read people's minds, I'd use that gift as a way of distinguishing my friends
from my foes. And I'd treat them accordingly, and that would entail distancing myself
from my fake friends, and maintaining my loyalty to my real friends. The ability to
read people's mind could make life so much easier.
image source found here.


  1. I'm not sure how the women in the class would respond to your remark. We're all complicated beings.
